Mints App

Mints App Review What It Is?

Mints App is a ultimate Cloud­based app that could help you build gorgeous interactive polls and ratings in minutes. Engage your audience. Collect more leads. Drive more traffic and sales. With Mints App You can grow Real Businesses, Boost Engagement & Generate More Customers Easily & In Minutes. Mints App help people achieve more results in their businesses & marketing campaigns.

Binary Campaigns

Discover exactly which products your audience prefer and sell exactly that to them — this has worked insanely well for us in selling our apparels and jewelries, we use this to hold contests & super-responsively collect leads too.

Multi-Mints Campaign

We basically call this the engagement pile-driver, absolutely nothing comes close to this campaign-type when it’s time to get your audience talking about any topic, fully engaged with your brand and products.

This is also great for catching trends and you know trending topics & offers are very profitable especially for eCommerce & Fan page based marketing.


Get feedbacks and opinions from your audience and customers to drive engagement and give way for great customer relationship while still marketing hot and new products to them at the same time — nothing beats this combo… Mints makes it possible!
