Email List Building

Video Lead Finder Review

1. Enter a keyword and location – Video Lead Finder goes through the first 3 pages of Google’s search results and pulls every lead already using AdWords. That means they are ALREADY spending money on THEIR leads so if you approach them with a surefire way to increase leads they will be much more likely to have interest. And we all know videos have quickly become the most powerful medium online.

2. Every ad is analyzed for strengths and weaknesses – Video Lead Finder users will have additional insight on how each campaign can generate more clicks. You will have access to important data at your fingertips that other businesses would kill to have.

3. Every landing page is checked for video presence – This is my favorite feature. In addition to pulling all AdWords data for all of the search results, you will find out if there is a video present on their landing page. Why does that matter? Because you are selling video marketing services to improve their business and Video Lead Finder will give you their contact info including phone number so you can approach them directly!
